Open House Festival

Flood Meadows at Hampton Court


1 Hampton Ct Rd, Hampton Wick, Molesey , KT1 4AE

A guided walk through Home Park Water Meadows with Thames Landscape Strategy. It is the site of a wetland restoration project that has increased biodiversity and sustainability on the historic site. It is not usually open to the public.

Getting there


Hampton Wick


111, 216, 411

Additional travel info

There is no public car park or access by vehicle.


Accessibility notes

It is a 2hr walk with mixed terrain. There are no close amenities to the private meadows.

Create a free visitor account to book festival tickets


Tue 17 Sep

Walking tour


Walking Tour

A fantastic 2hr guided walk through an hidden nature haven. Sturdy footwear/boots are essential. Ground may be wet and uneven underfoot.

How to book

Please create a free visitor account to book your festival tickets.



Working with Historic Royal Palaces, The Hampton Court Home Park Paddocks project, started in 2010. The project restored the ancient system of streams, ditches, flood channels and reedbeds running alongside the Thames – many of which date back to the Tudor period and the founding of Hampton Court Palace.

Within the Paddocks are extensive depressions and water collection areas that once formed valuable wetland habitats and collectively must be one of oldest remaining floodplain drainage systems left in London. Thought to have been managed historically as terraces or flood meadow for stock grazing.

Our tour will provide the history of the area as well as looking at the future of the site's importance in the face of climate change.


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