Open House Festival

Creekside Discovery Centre

education, garden, community/cultural, mixed use, event

Unknown, 2002

Creekside Discovery Centre, 14 Creekside, SE8 4SA

Join us for the annual open day at Creekside Discovery Centre on the banks of Deptford Creek. We are a thriving wildlife conservation and environmental education charity. Our open day will include a host of fun activities for people of all ages as you'll be able get up close and personal with wild plants and animals sharing Creekside with us - on land and in the river!

Getting there


Greenwich, Deptford Bridge


Deptford, Greenwich


47, 53, 177, 188, 199, 225, 453

Additional travel info

No parking on site. Please walk or travel by public transport.



What you can expect

There is a range of activities to enjoy on the day, some of which are accessible but others not. Visit our website for more information.

Create a free visitor account to book festival tickets

Drop in activities

Sun 22 Sep


Drop in: Creekside Discovery Centre Open Day

The gates are open! Visit Creekside and enjoy the wildlife and arts on our site at your leisure. Or join in with some fun activities!


Nature Conservation Management

We deliver and enable informed nature conservation management for resilient local habitats.
Our site is managed for floral biodiversity, with over 250 different species of plants recorded. We also manage inter-tidal habitats in Deptford Creek, a rarity across the tributary rivers of the Thames.

Outdoor Education

We provide and enable lifelong learning for all through adventurous, hands-on activities.
Through regular schools and university group visitors we provide fun, outdoor learning for over 4,000 students a year. Through other events and activities, like our open day, we also reach another 3,000+ visitors, all of which we hope to inspire to connect with the wonder of urban wildlife.

Collaborating & Connecting with Partners & Communities

We work with and engage with many different groups, communities and organisations with the aim of expanding the reach of our nature conservation and outdoor education ambitions.
This includes working with under-represented groups in the environment sector to collaborating with larger environmental organisations like the London Wildlife Trust.
Join us on our Open Day to learn more about the broad scope of our work!


We engage and support volunteers to join Creekside in achieving all parts of our mission.
We're delighted to have over 35 regular volunteers who support all parts of our work, many of whom will be helping out on our Open Day!

Online presence


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