31/44 Architects, 2016
122a Amblecote Road, SE12 9TS
Formed of a series of brick volumes set on the centre of a quiet backland site, 31/44 Architects completed a new-build family home that is deceptively open and light inside its strong masonry exterior. The mass echoes the informal backs of adjacent houses and begins to express the internal layout, where different height spaces lend hierarchy to the principal rooms.
Grove Park
124, 126, 261
Explore the innovative Park House, a new build on a unique trapezoid-shaped brownfield site in Lewisham. Designed by 31/44 Architects, this home masterfully transforms a disused garage plot into a modern family residence, featuring minimalist rectilinear brick volumes and expansive frameless windows. Visitors will have the opportunity to meet the Aucoot and architect team, and better understand the potential design opportunities of similar homes.