Open House Festival

Islington Social Housing Cycle tour


Pollard Thomas Edwards, 2023

Diespeker Wharf, N1 8JX

A short cycle tour of Pollard Thomas Edwards' social housing projects in Islington - including RIBA Award winning Dover Court Estate. If you would like to book a ticket we ask you to consider donating £20 to Crisis - our charity partner as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary

Getting there




Highbury & Islington

Additional travel info

The cycle tour will start and finish at PTE's headquarters at Diespeker Wharf, Islington.


Accessibility notes

This is a cycle tour - please bring your own bike and helmet.

What you can expect

An architect led cycle tour of PTE designed social housing projects in Islington.


Dover Court Estate

PTE has designed and delivered 70 new homes across the Dover Court Estate, the majority of which are new council homes allocated through the Local Lettings Policy giving existing estate residents priority. The existing 1960s blocks are popular and generally well-maintained, but the external spaces were poor, and the project offered an opportunity to improve relationships with the surroundings, creating new affordable and market homes in the process.

Arundel Square

PTE’s radical and innovative scheme decks over a railway cutting, creating an extra acre of land and the opportunity to create a fourth side to a hitherto incomplete Victorian square with a contemporary six-storey apartment building.

Old Royal Free Square

This project transformed a redundant hospital into a major public space and a thriving residential community. The four-acre site was developed by Circle 33 Housing Trust and New Islington & Hackney Housing Association. PTE transformed the front part of the site, which includes both new and Grade II listed buildings, while Levitt Bernstein Associates redeveloped the rear half of the site.

Wharf Road

The development provides 98 new homes, 80% of which are affordable, in a mixture of apartments, maisonettes and family houses arranged around two communal ‘wharf’ gardens between the buildings.

King Square

Pollard Thomas Edwards has worked closely with residents on the existing 1960s estate, to devise a scheme that delivers 140 new mixed-tenure homes, enhanced public spaces, a new community facility and upgrade to an existing nursery.

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